Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Chapter Four: A Rash Decision

Erik got up early the next morning, still feeling guilty about how Leila's feelings were trampled on. He knew he had to somehow make it up to her. He believed he was in love with her and that she was the One he'd been waiting for. So, after he laid down a new track, he called her up to invite her on a date. He had the notion all he need do was don a disguise and he could avoid all of the fans that constantly besieged them. Just as the lyrics in Weekender suggested, which he always closed his shows with, "weekender, weekender, we just need time away." He believed this would be a true test. Were they meant for each other or not?They left the park, and the rain and ended up at a new restaurant in town. Erik went straight upstairs to the restrooms where he donned the disguise he thought would help

To his surprise, Leila wasn't happy with it. "Erik, is that you? What are you doing in that silly getup?"

"I did this for you, Leila. I'm told others use disguises when out in public."

"Well, I think you look ridiculous." And then she began to lay down the 'law' as she saw it.

Before Erik had a chance to respond, his flimsy disguise turned into an Epic Fail, as fan after fan after fan, saw through it.

 Some came bearing gifts. A rose was okay, but the next gift, the fan placed right on top of his egg scramble. Erik merely shrugged and thought, “Eh, eating was overrated.”

Not all of his fans that day were female. After Erik removed the first package from his meal, a guy placed his gaily wrapped package atop the eggs, too.

What was Erik to do? Turn his back on the very people who gave him his fame by their unrelenting support?

 It became very clear he had to do something, as once again, Leila was near meltdown. He never saw her get out of a chair so fast before. Standing behind his chair, she was breathing heavy, as one about to go into battle, pumping her balled fists. Like Mount Vesuvius she was ready to blow!

"Leila, please," he said, "Don't be this way. I promise I'll make it up to you."
"You're full of promises, Erik,” She seethed. “And, yet, nothing… ever… changes!"

"Oh, no? Come over here for a moment." Erik said, leading her by the hand to just a couple of tables over.

Taking a knee, he fished inside of his pocket. "Leila, be my bride?"

Looking stunned, she blurted out her answer, "Yes. Oh, Erik, yes!"
"See, I told you I'd make it up to you, somehow."

Suddenly, she leaped into his arms, almost knocking Erik off of his feet.

For the moment Erik was happy.

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