Another Love Day had rolled around and once again, Erik had no date. This wouldn't be so bad if the Gossip Magazines wouldn't poke so much fun at him. He really didn't appreciate it when they had a spread of him and Leila all over the inside of the National Simquirer, a painful reminder of a romance that was doomed from the start. Erik was humiliated. He also felt badly for Leila. As best he knew she was in another relationship. He wished her well.
He even got so desperate to find the right one, he consulted that peculiar wishing well out on the back of this ancient castle. He gave it a handsome fee, just for the privilege of asking a question and when things looked favorable, he made his request to find true love. He came away with an obscure message to impart that would leave his memory once used. He never could realize what it was.
Bad enough he kept making the wrong choices in women, but did the Press have to have such a field day at his expense? As he continued to scroll through the articles of the day, he was greatly surprised to see that Tillie, a Critic, had become a rising star. Erik rolled his eyes. But, it gave him a fresh idea. What would she do once hounded by autograph and Selfie seekers? Now, that she had her own fan base to consider, would she give him a break? Was that at least a path to understanding? A little tea and sympathy?
All Erik knew for sure is that he hated being alone. Especially on a day when most got together and went out to dinner, at least. Checking his cell phone, again, he recalled hearing that a certain chic restaurant had gone exclusive. The management had a shake-up and it was decided they would cater to the Elite among them, offering them fine dining without the hassles of fans and Paparazzi intruding in on their dining experience.
Finding it, he read all about their new policies. Only stars would be admitted. “Cool,” Erik said aloud. Looking through his contacts, he was happy to discover Tillie’s phone number was still there. Quickly, he clicked on the phone icon and placed a call.
“Hello?” came her tentative voice. Erik began to realize her phone number must have gone out of the web, just as his had done.
“Tillie,” he said into the phone. “It’s me, Erik. How are you?”
“I’m fine,” she returned. “Sorry, I keep getting these random calls and some aren't so nice.”
“I know, I've had a few of those, too. Say, I know it’s been awhile since we went out, but I hear you've made your way up the celebrity ladder. How’s fame treating you?”
“O … kay, I guess. Sometimes, it’s a bit of a hassle. No privacy." She hesitated. "Erik, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am at how I acted. We fought so terribly the last time we were together. I said some really awful things. I now know why you are always so kind to your fans. I mean, beyond that being your nature. You really are so sweet.”
“Thank you, Till, that means a lot to me. I was also calling to see if perhaps you’re still single, and if would like to go out with me again?”
“I would love to. At least you and I go back pre-stardom with me. What did you want to do?”
“I was thinking dinner. You've heard of the policy changes for Chez Llama, right?”
“Policy changes?”
“Celebrities only. I was thinking we could actually enjoy dining out again. Pre-fame for both of us.”
“Oh, Erik. I would love to.”
“Good. Okay, then I’ll pick you up around seven. Bye.” Erik ended the call and quickly made a reservation for two at seven pm. He felt very lucky, at this short notice, when the host confirmed his reservations. “Great, thank you,” he said, determining to give the wait staff an ample tip.
Dressed in their formal wear, the two walked into the restaurant. The wait staff were dignified, professional, and saw the couple over to a corner in the sunken portion of the dining
room. There was only one who simply had to have his autograph. Erik smiled and appeased her.
The two sat across from each other and studied the menu. Erik grinned, “Order anything you like, the sky’s the limit.”
Tillie smiled at him. Erik studied her face. She was beautiful, successful, sweet. Why did he stop dating her? He couldn't really remember, but decided tonight was a new start. They talked and got to know each other all over again. Discussion ran the gamut, from fashion trends, music, celebrity and its inherent headaches. What they each wanted out of life.
“Yes, someday, I’d like a baby,” Tillie said, sipping at her glass of wine. “What about you?”
Erik smiled, nodded, and said, “I’m not content to just be Uncle Erik.” He took a bite of his dinner, then rested the fork on his plate. “My older brother has a boy, my younger sister has twin boys and now a baby girl. Joe and Astrid … not sure what they’re waiting on.” Erik sat back in his chair. “Except that he’s in Med School. And Adrian, Adrian is way too young. He’s just a kid.”
“Wow, you’re all spread out, aren't you.”
“Dad was older when he married Mom and they didn't waste any time. The four of us came along one right after another. Then there’s Adrian. Just when it looked like it was going back to just Mom and Dad. Guess who paid them a visit?”
“The Stork,” she teased.
“You got it!” Erik laughed. “I thought my Dad was going to have a heart-attack when Mom gave him the Big News. I was in high school — this was right before I quit. Aaron had just graduated. Joey was a sophomore. Brianna just began high school.”
“Wait, you quit school? I didn't know that.”
“I was already writing songs, publishing them, and receiving royalties. I saw no reason to take valuable time sitting in a boring class, having my poor eyes glaze over when I could be making money doing the thing I loved the most. Especially, when I began to get noticed. And yeah, I haven’t made it public. I’m sort of a role model, now. I've thought about going back to get my GED and then taking a few college courses, but … there’s that scheduling thing.”
Tillie smiled at him, her eyes aglow. The candle at the center of the table was lit and the affect was romantic and very flattering. Erik stood up and took her hand.
“Erik, what are you doing, the staff is watching.”
From out of his pocket, he pulled a piece of mistletoe, dangling it over their heads. “Are you game?” Tillie leaned in and they shared a very sweet kiss.
Stepping back slightly, he suddenly presented her with a beautiful, perfect red rose.
“A pretty rose for a pretty lady,” Erik said, before he suddenly went down on one knee.
Gazing up at her, he realized why he never could get her out of his head. “Tillie,” he began, as he slipped a hand into his suit pocket. “I love you. More than I have loved any other Sim in my life. My life has been an empty shell, despite all of the fame and the adoring fans. I need you. If you can stand all of the baggage that I come with, I have a question to ask of you.” For the life of him, later on, he couldn't remember a word of what he'd said beyond asking her to marry him.
Tillie swallowed several times, afraid her tears would start to flow and ruin her make-up. While the Paparazzi weren't let inside, they still hung around out on the sidewalk just waiting for a chance to snap that photo. In fact, she quickly looked out of the big window and was certain she saw one of them looking in at the two of them. “Ask your question,” she said. “The sharks outside are circling.”

“Oh, Erik. Yes. Yes, I will marry you. That was the most romantic and sweetest proposal I've ever heard. I love you so much.” Erik slipped the ring onto her finger, and Tillie held her hand aloft admiring the way the lights in the room danced off of the multi-faceted surface.
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